Experiencing Non-Duality in Ketamine Space

Non-duality, also known as Advaita, is a philosophical concept that refers to the belief that the individual self and the universe are not separate, but rather are a unified whole. In non-dual teachings, the individual self is seen as a temporary illusion or manifestation of the ultimate reality, which is seen as a single, unchanging consciousness.

Non-duality is often associated with Eastern spiritual traditions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, but it has also influenced Western philosophical and spiritual movements. Non-dual teachings place a strong emphasis on the idea of oneness and unity, and often encourage the practice of meditation or other spiritual practices as a means of experiencing this unity. Non-duality is a challenging topic to convey using words, as usually Non-duality is a direct and felt experience.

How does Non-Duality and Ketamine Relate?

When someone at Innate Healing Center undergoes Ketamine treatment, often clients report that they felt their sense of self dissipate. So what does that mean? It means that normal thoughts about self and life are less potent and they become closer to a sense of pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is where one is fully present and their thoughts and feelings do not create a subjective reaction or judgement to an internal or external experience. Furthermore, pure consciousness is not identifying with or personalizing happenings of the mind/body experience. When there are no judgments within an experience, that means things are no longer good or bad, they just simply are. Which in essence, removes the dualities of life, making internal and external events ultimately neutral.

How does Non-Duality affect Well-being?

When someone is seeking treatment with the Innate Healing Center, they are usually trying to get unstuck. They have tried everything and are wanting to be free of their never ending anxiety, debilitating personal narrative, traumas from the past, and other mental health ailments that don’t seem to shake off with time or treatment. Ketamine treatment offers a quick and easy way to access a non-dual state where things that were once so devastating and intolerable, become neutral and non-threatening. Within this state, the mind has space and separation from old thinking patterns which positively enables new perceptions of themselves and life itself.

For example, let’s say someone believes they are worthless and do not deserve to be loved. When this person enters a non-dual state, they no longer are attached and identified with that personal storyline, giving them a fresh perspective on how else they can perceive themselves other than worthless and unlovable.

What is even more profound, is that when neurons fire together, they wire together. When there is a felt sense of neutrality towards our painful pasts and narratives, and there is no longer duality to judge and limit our human experience, this gets downloaded into our subconscious and creates new connections in the brain and body.

How to achieve Non-duality without Ketamine

As described above, non-duality is truly a transcendent state. It requires one to take a lot of space from their judgements and dual thinking styles to enter a neutral state of oneness. Ketamine is not the only way to access this felt experience. Buddhism and other eastern traditions have been practicing for thousands of years to get glimpses of this state (without attachment of course). How do they practice? Well, you may have guessed it: meditation. Meditation is an incredible tool to practice non-judgement when in sitting practice. Meditation is practiced with clients at Innate Healing in order to integrate non-dual ketamine experiences into their day to day lives once their treatment is over or in-between treatments.

Other ways to practice non-duality:

  • Yoga

  • Fasting

  • Other psychedelic medicines

  • Kindness and compassion practices

  • Self-inquiry


The Power of Surrender


What Is Ketamine Assisted Therapy?